Half Day

- 1/2 day trips are broken into morning and afternoon charters.
- Morning trips usually depart at 6am returning to the dock by 11am.
- Afternoon trips usually depart at 12pm and return to the dock no later than 5pm.
Inshore 1/2 day trips consist of either Trolling, jigging or bottom fishing.
Targeted species include:
Striped Bass & Blue Fish
Fluke, Sea Bass, Porgies and others.
Full Day

Full day trips usually leave the dock at 6am and return at 3pm. We target multiple species inshore and fish various ways including trolling, drifting, jigging or anchoring depending on the type of fish you would like to catch. This trip is ideal for those wishing to spend full day on the water catching a variety of fish.
Targeted species include:
Striped Bass, Blue Fish, Fluke, Sea Bass, Porgies, Blackfish and others.
Extended Full Day

Extended Full day trips usually depart the dock at 5am and return at 5pm. On this trip, we target multiple species inshore & near offshore and fish some of the more distant locations depending on the type of fish you would like to target.
Offshore Shark or Tuna

If you’re adventurous, this is a great experience for those wishing to target larger species that swim in our waters. We travel up to 30 miles offshore on this trip. Typical shark species include:
Mako, Thresher & Blue sharks.
Typical tuna species include:
- Bluefin, Bonita, False Albacore & Yellowfin.
- Sometimes we encounter White Marlin & Mahi Mahi too!
Extended Offshore Tuna

On this trip, we can run up to 40 – 70 miles offshore targeting Bluefin, Yellowfin, White marlin, Mahi Mahi and other pelagic species. We mostly troll on this trip, dropping the outriggers and put out a spread of 9 to 11 rods using top of the line gear, artificial lures and hand rigged baits.
Average time on this trip is up to 14 hours. departure times vary.
Overnight Canyon

Overnight canyon trips are the Ultimate fishing experience. Traveling to “The Canyons” located approximately 70 miles from Montauk Point, we target a variety of BIG GAME fish. From Blue Marlin to Bigeye tuna, you never know what might be on the end of your line. On this trip we troll during the daylight hours then switch over to chunking with bait at night. Targeted species include Yellow Fin, Bigeye, Longfin Albacore, Mahi, Swordfish , Wahoo, Blue Marlin and more.